At Sandra Grace we understand that working to create an equitable and anti-racist society can be overwhelming. It requires self-awareness, introspection, comfort with discomfort and the willingness to engage in difficult conversations. The experts on our team are here to guide you with an array of services that can help you create a plan and a path towards equity.
Executive & leadership Coaching
Coaching services are available to individuals, organizations or cross-sector coalitions working to address institutional and systemic racism in society and within your organization. Our coaching services are customized to meet the needs of the individual or group receiving services and are confidential. Sign up here to learn more about our coaching process.
Training & Facilitation
We believe in the power of creating transformative spaces for leaders and change makers. Through our training and facilitation, we create opportunities for individual learning, community building and collective accountability. To learn more about our training and facilitation options, sign up here.
Speaking Engagements
Helping people recognize and harness their collective power is our superpower. Through our public speaking opportunities we endeavor to equip, inspire and motivate all who listen to transform their lives and the systems around them. To request a member of our team for your upcoming event, sign up here.
Approach to the work of Race, Equity & Inclusion
When working with people and organizations, we use a person-centered/thought partnership model which recognizes that the individuals working within an organization and in a given community are the experts in their fields. We believe in the expertise that people bring to the table and we see our job as simply helping them connect the dots between their individual role, their organizations’ role and the systemic roles that work together to perpetuate inequity. From there, we help them identify the changes needed to produce more equitable outcomes for those they are serving and their community at large.
We approach each interaction with a goal of building rapport, building trust and creating space for self- evaluation and reflection. The most critical of these approaches being self-evaluation and reflection because it will provide the individual with the opportunity to critically examine the role they play in perpetuating harmful narratives and inequitable policies and practices within their organizations and in their systems-change efforts and will ultimately empower them to identify ways they can disrupt these harmful narratives, policies, practices and seed systemic change. Our primary role will be that of thought partner, advisor and accountability partner, helping the individuals and organizations identify gaps, recognize their strengths and challenge/push them to move past their comfort zones.
“Clair is a marvelous facilitator and strategy partner. The track record she and her team have built, and the enormous respect she enjoys in the field, make people ready to bring their best and team up for real impact. I look forward to many more opportunities to collaborate.”
- Xavier de Souza Briggs, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution and Senior Advisor to the What Works Plus funder collaborative, former vice president of the Ford Foundation